Experience of rice pudding

    At first we went for shopping with our friend and teacher. We brought all the necessary materials for making rice pudding and potato pickle. And then we washed rice and all vegetables. Then we cut all the vegetables. Before washing rice and vegetable we washed our hand with soap. We boiled some of the vegetables. We cut some vegetables in the same time. After that we boiled milk. Then we put rice in boiled milk and mix it for at least 10 minutes. Then, we mix khir masala, ghee and other necessary things. Wenh mix it for 10 to 15 minutes. Then we pill potato and squze lemon, put all the necessary  materials. Then we mix all the things and made pickle. At that time khir was ready too. After that we washed dishes and served khir and pickle to teachers, pre-primary students and other staff of the school. Then we ate khir and pickle. It was too yummy. After we all ate we washed dishes and keep our utensils. Then our rice pudding day was completed. And we click lots of photo too. And to complete rice pudding day Khem sir, Deepak sir and Aarti ma'am helped us.
            Steps to make khir (rice pudding)
Step1: Filtering rice
Step2: Washing rice 
Step3: Boiling milk
Step4: Adding rice in milk with ghee
Step5: Mix khir masala and sugar 
                 Now khir is ready

           Step to make potato pickle
Step1: Washing all vegetables 
Step2: Boiling potato (for ten minutes)
Step3: Cutting vegetables
Step4: Pilling/ cutting/ mixing vegetables with all required thing 
Step5: Fring it with ghee/oil and geera
           Now potato pickle is ready


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